Mobile Payment Security – Challenges, Trends, Recommendations, and Tips

Just as we see use of plastic cards for payments today, tapping the mobile phone to make payments at retail stores or making purchases while travelling by train does not seem to be the distant reality. Mobile payments in the US are expected to reach $142 billion in volume in 2019 (Source). Research giants like…

Practice Made Perfect – Mobility in Small Medical Practice Management

A Kantar Media survey earlier this year among doctors practicing in the US found that as many as 84% of them were already using their smartphones for work-related purposes. 56% of the polled doctors were using tablets (the electronic kind!) and it’s fair to say many would be using both. A particularly interesting insight from…

mHealth – How Mobile is Transforming Healthcare

“Wherever there is a mobile signal, there is the capability for delivering better healthcare” — Eric Topol, Professor of Genomics, Scripps Research Institute. Based on the survey conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit, 64% of healthcare executives believe that mobile health can dramatically improve the outcomes by giving people greater access to medical information. 24%…

Are Wearables Ready To Change Our Lives?

The papers carried news recently of cardiac surgeons in Warsaw using Google Glass and an optical display mounted on the head to restore blood flow in an important artery of a patient. While the news highlighted the pioneering nature of the surgery many will agree that even this innovative use of the Glass is not…

Where’s the Wallet – You’re Probably Wearing It

Market research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey reported earlier this month that by the end of this year approximately 37% of Americans would have used a mobile wallet – up from less than 9% in mid 2013. Consider also that the same study also found that almost 40% of those who said they were “most likely”…

NFC – Much More than Just Mobile Payments

NFC is often discussed with reference to mobile payments. With iPhone 6 supporting NFC with Apply Pay, the excitement around NFC again picked up a lot in the last year. Undoubtedly, there is huge traction for NFC all over. According to a study by Juniper, by the end of 2016, the number of mobile wallet…

Payday for Apple, Android & Samsung – Same Difference?

“The evolving social and digital media platforms and highly innovative and relevant payment capabilities are causing seismic changes in consumer behavior and creating equally disruptive opportunities for business.” – Howard Schultz The change the CEO of Starbucks was talking about may already be here. Gartner has estimated that by 2017 mobile payments worldwide would touch…

A Fatter Mobile Wallet – More Attractive To Consumers

Research firm Berg Insight had forecast that in-store Mobile Wallet payments in the EU alone would rise from EU 100 Million in 2012 to over EU 45 Billion in 2017 and in North America from 400 Million to over 33 Billion in the same time. Gartner’s estimate of the total value of all mobile payment…

Applications of Internet of Things for Healthcare

A new report from states that the healthcare Internet of Things market segment will hit $117 billion by the year 2020. People are becoming more and more health-aware and that has led to the innovation in the areas of ‘self-care’ and also ‘healthcare advisors’. The point of care is patient-centric and moving away from…